The Horse has his own specific time, that is very different from our real time. The Way his Day passes is indicated via his action history available on the center of his page under his picture. So, his day starts at 8:00am (08:00) when he wakes up (horses equipped with the Nyx pack wake up at 6:00am (06:00). Then each action you choose to do with him takes a certain amount of time, for example a meal take 30 minutes.
Your horse must also be put to bed before midnight (24:00), action history time. Later than that he cannot do any actions. The ideal for his physical and mental shape is to put him in bed at 10pm (22:00) at the latest.
When your horse has finished his day, you have to put him to bed. To do this you can choose between letting him sleep outside in the pasture or inside in his stall. The choice is yours and will depend mostly on the weather. On Howrse: Don't let him sleep in the pasture if the temperature is below 10C° or 50F°and he doesn't have a blanket for instance.
You don't need to put foals who are still with their mother to bed. They go to sleep when their mother is put to bed for the night. You should therefore not forget to take care of both of them properly.