Your horse has three fitness indicators (energy, health and morale). Every time your horse does an action, one or several of these properties may me affected. You must particularly pay attention to your horse's energy.If you wear him out, he might die. The ideal thing is to put him to sleep for the night at 10pm (22:00 his history's time) at the latest and with at least 20% energy. If the energy level is below this, he will not recover well during the night and if it is below 5%, the horse might die.
Therefore, it is important to plan out your horse’s actions during his day, both to maximize his energy, as well as to let him get his rest.
Here is an example of how to boost your horse's energy:
- give him something to eat,
- stroke him,
- give him a turnip,
- let him rest in his box or in the pasture,
- at night, the horse recovers five times the energy it had the day before when you put him to sleep for the night,
- you can also find sugar lumps during your horse's actions.
To ensure your horse is clean, you have to groom him completely every day. This grooming will boost his morale. Grooming is also essential to a horse’s health. To maintain and increase this, you can also put your horse in the pasture, stroke him or give him treats. Finally, his health naturally increases as time goes by.